Disability Arts and culture is experiencing one of it's most influential and visible moments thanks to the cultural, political, and aesthetic work being done by UK avante-garde dance/drag company Drag Syndrome. Having taken to Europe by storm the group made its premiere in the US in September 2019 with the critically acclaimed production company DisArt – as the New York Times reported, their performance was met with both celebration and hate speech. This conversation with Drag Syndrome and DisArt offers a glimpse of how art, activism, and risk-taking can be a rejection of the charity, pity, or paternalistic approaches to the lived experience of disability which have led to cultural alienation for Disabled people.
what a treat!
MAR 16, 2020 | 2:00PM – 3:00PM
Venue: Fairmont
Congressional B, 3rd floor
101 Red River. Austin TX 78701
Venue Size: Large, Floor: 3